She was a survivor of the Great Hanshin Earthquake in 1995, and between 1996 and 1999. Geila Zilkha debut joins us for the session 77 in a Cosy soundtrack for Weekend. Special gifts Recommended by 45rpm Staff from our adventure in Tokyo. The Cosy weekend playlist brings together exclusive live music from our favourite Artists cosy sound throughout the Quiet night life of weekend.
— Geila Zilkha (ギラ・ジルカ) (born August 15, 1969 ) is a half Israeli-half Japanese jazz singer and choral director. A 1991 graduate of Berklee College of Music, Zilkha moved to Japan to pursue a vocal career after being raised in the United States. She was a survivor of the Great Hanshin Earthquake in 1995, and between 1996 and 1999, she was a DJ for the show JAL Tokyo Balcony. She was also a guest vocalist on several dance-pop singles (usually credited simply as Geila), including My Summer Love, featured in the game Dance Dance Revolution. In 2001, she formed a gospel-style choir in Tokyo, called the Voissalot Choir, and currently remains the director. In 2005-2006, she sang a song, Return to Love (Jazz Version), that was featured in an anime called SoltyRei. It can be found as song number 10 on the SoltyRei Original Soundtrack Vol 2 CD. By the Soundtrack Weekend inaugural music guideline with exclusive live music from Portastudio's playlist, so conclude+Live music performing at the perfect way and welcome to your life join with the cosy music performs a set of songs on your cosy weekend night!
{01} 'On A Clear Day' |{02} 'Drinkin' My Tea'| {03} 'Honeysuckle Rose' {04}'Piece Of My Wish'|{05} 'One Clear Day'|{06} 'Fly Me To The Moon'
{07} 'One Note Samba'| {08} 'Overjoyed'| {09} 'Sora Ni Dakare' {10} 'A Man And A Woman' | {11} 'Return to Love' *ギラジルカ(Vo) GEILA ZILKHA *矢幅歩 (vo) YAHABA AYUMU *北村嘉一郎(Voice Percussion) KITAMURA KAICHIRO *中島徹(pf) NAKAZIMA TOHRU
In 2010, the Portastudio Playlist proud to presents A Cosy Soundtrack For Weekend+live Session, Is a cosy music smart playlist and feature interviews. From our panel which also includes selected by the Portastylistic. We focus on the inaugural music guideline, Our favourite musical talent with exclusive live music from around the world to the week ahead.
This Cosy life night weekend for your experience cosy music playlist with some familiar on your cosy night in pop sensation. our panel which also includes selected by the Portastylistic.
A Cosy Soundtrack For Weekend+live Session goes live every Saturday at 8pm. Bkk, Thailand time on Mixpod and right here at
PORTASTUDIO PLAYLIST A COSY SOUNDTRACK FOR WEEKEND +LIVE SESSION BY The PORTASTYLISTIC ...................................................................................
Porter classic form began working at the Ginza and Asakusa work T-shirt printing workshop for the first time in Japan, and talks to her passion for the brand.
In addition, private, public and private both in terms of a good illustrator and her fans mimoe I went to play solo, her approach the real face of love and dreams for the future, such as歳Rashii 18.
▼ポータークラシック(porter classic) 2007年Made in Japanにこだわり、世界基準での物作りをコンセプトに設立。流行にとらわれることなく、長年に渡って愛され続けるアイテムを展開し日本の伝統文化、職 人の高い技術に敬意を払い変わることのない本質に新しいエッセンスを加え独自の視点や感覚で新しいスタイルを提案する。2010年カバンブランド KICHIZO(キチゾウ)全国展開スタート。
▼ classic Porter (porter classic) Made in Japan to stick to 2007, established the concept of making things in the world standards.Without worrying epidemic, traditional Japanese culture continue to expand the items to be loved for many years, proposes a new style with a unique perspective and sense of adding new essence abiding respect for nature in the high technology of craftsmen be.2010 brand bags KICHIZO (Kichizou) Start nationwide.
First broadcast July 31 ▼ (Sun) 16:00
Rebroadcast August 01 ▼ (Mon) 2:10 ~ August 02 (Tue) 24:10 ~ August 03 (Wed.) 20:10 ~ August 04 (Thu) 4:10 ~ August 05 (Fri) 24:10 ~ August 06 (Sat) 8:10 ~
I fell in love with the crystals and glass beads designs done on the dresses. I can tell that the designer is putting her attention to every small details of clothes to make them original and unique (and of course to make them super kawaii!) I also adore the feminine silhouette of dresses and the use of delicate fabrics!
Going along with the theme, there are many pegasus and bambi motif rings, necklaces, and earrings. I especially liked this pegasus ring!!!!! soooo cute!! The earrings of pegasus with a feather was so playful and interesting!!! This is used on the cover of NYLON JAPAN of this month.