A pioneer of the acid jazz Monday Michiru joins us for the session 72 in a Cosy soundtrack fro weekend. Special gifts from our adventure in Tokyo. The Cosy weekend playlist brings together exclusive live music from our favourite Artists cosy sound throughout the Quiet night life of weekend.
— Monday Michiru is a Japanese American actress, singer, and songwriter whose music encompasses and fuses a wide variety of genres including jazz, dance, pop, and soul. She is arguably best known for being a pioneer of the acid jazz movement in Japan in the early 1990’s.
she has created her own unique style of music that transcends traditional definitions of the aforementioned genres.
Monday was born in Tokyo, Japan to jazz pianist Toshiko Akiyoshi and her then husband, jazz saxophonist Charlie Mariano. At an early age, she expressed an interest in music; she studied modern dance and ballet from age eight, and the classical flute for eight years. It wasn’t until she went to the Interlochen Arts Academy that she discovered her true passion of singing. By the Soundtrack Weekend inaugural music guideline with exclusive live music from Portastudio's playlist, so conclude+Live music performing at the perfect way and welcome to your life join with the cosy music performs a set of songs on your cosy weekend night!
{01} 'Change of Scenery' |{02} 'Yellow Bird'| {03} 'ain`t it the truth'
{04} 'You Make Me' | {05} 'A Night In Tunisia'| {06} 'Sands Of Time'
{07} 'True Colors' | {08} 'You Are The Universe' | {09} 'No Woman, No Cry'
*{10} 'What's It All About' | {11} 'Sunshine after the Rain' {12} 'I Wanna Be Where You Are' | {13} 'HOPE「希望」' +feat. with Anan Ryoko
In 2010, the Portastudio Playlist proud to presents A Cosy Soundtrack For Weekend+live Session, Is a cosy music smart playlist and feature interviews. From our panel which also includes selected by the Portastylistic. We focus on the inaugural music guideline, Our favourite musical talent with exclusive live music from around the world to the week ahead.
This Cosy life night weekend for your experience cosy music playlist with some familiar on your cosy night in pop sensation. our panel which also includes selected by the Portastylistic.
A Cosy Soundtrack For Weekend+live Session goes live every Saturday at 8pm. Bkk, Thailand time on Mixpod and right here at theportastylistic.blogspot.com.
PORTASTUDIO PLAYLIST A COSY SOUNDTRACK FOR WEEKEND +LIVE SESSION BY The PORTASTYLISTIC ...................................................................................
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