A Cosy Soundtrack for Weekend Fifty session select, We welcome South Korean Jazz group of A first+live session my personal favorite playlist to the year comes to scoured perform an acoustic, jazz performers set of our songs for your Cosy winter night. Our favourite musical talent from around the world, We proud to presents bands to watch in +live version set out on other side of the album! The Cosy weekend playlist brings together exclusive live music from our favourite bands cosy sound throughout the Quiet night life of weekend.
Winterplay is a group consisting of 4 jazz members. Juhan Lee on the trumpet, Enkyu So on Bass, Woojoon Choi on Guitar & Vocal and Haewon on Vocal. It is unique in the way, that each individual by themselves have already been recognized as accomplished musicians and soloists in their own rights, but have gathered for this project to have created a sound that does not highlight the individuals, but a solid musical repertoire that has grabbed the attention of many non-jazz fans and the press as well, who see them as a pop-jazz group. By the Soundtrack Weekend’ inaugural music guideline, with exclusive live music from Portastudio's playlist, so conclude+Live music performing at the perfect way and welcome to your life join with the cosy music performs a set of songs on your cosy weekend night!
{08} 'Don't Know Why' |{09} 'Quando Quando Quando' | {10} 'Ain't No Mountain High Enough' {11} 'What I'd Say' |{12} 'You're In My Heart' | {13} 'Who are you?''
The Portastudio Playlist proud to presents the unique sound is as cosmopolitan as it is traditional. These are the sound and style qualities defining gentleman and gentlewoman need of the best sound today. We began performing singing and has since toured the world, the Cosy Soundtrack’s for weekend inaugural music guest with some familiar holiday on original tracks. who perform their sunny and sweet tunes for our panel which also music has been,used widely around the world have hit the charts throughout Europe, the UK and the US.To set off the playlist get to everybody in the mood of weekly.
This Cosy life night weekend for your experience cosy music playlist with some familiar on your cosy night in pop sensation. our panel which also includes selected by the Portastylistic.
A Cosy Soundtrack For Weekend+live Session goes live every Saturday at 8pm. Bkk, Thailand time on Mixpod and right here at theportastylistic.blogspot.com.
PORTASTUDIO PLAYLIST A COSY SOUNDTRACK FOR WEEKEND +LIVE SESSION BY The PORTASTYLISTIC .........................................................................................
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