Friday, October 9, 2009

Hot and Covered...Chanel, the Supershow

Chanel -
The Supershow

Yesterday was the Chanel show. The Chanel show? The show of shows of shows? And then some. Taaadaaaa…. Music please!!!

The Grand Palais was transformed into a barn with a whole bunch of decorations à la Disneyland, only better, totally beautiful. All the platforms were wood, there was hay everywhere and people were going a little nuts. The hysteria was palpable.

The girls started down the catwalk with a hop in their step, beautiful and happy. When suddenly…

Lily Allen came out of the earth (Seriously, honest to god) to do a concert… Yeeaaaa!

And then Freja, Baptiste and Lara decided to have a ménage à trois… Yummy!

… With the blessing of Karl Lagerfeld, of course, in a most triumphant salute. No worries, you’ll always get the biggest show, Karl. All the others, you can always try to keep up.

Carine, loved it. Prince (Yep, Prince!)(No, I didn’t get a shot of him. You want me to die? His body guards make the most unbreakable wall. I don’t know if he could even see the show.)(Well, that and I didn’t actually see him.) Anyway so Prince… he was dazzled. Well, at least I think so. Agnès told me about so. Agnès was amazed. Everyone thought they were at a rock concert, a mass, a play, a party and… wait for it! A runway show too!

Riots! Hysteria! Chanel! Craziness! Genius! Karl! Encore! With Scott, we decided that it’s no longer far off from just having to pay to get into shows. You’ll have to get your tickets six months ahead of time. There’ll be tickets on the black market with absurd prices. You’ll have to sleep in front of the show for three days to get front row seats. Anna Wintour will be super protected in a glass VIP box that will be formed perfectly to fit her hair. It’ll be like a Madonna show…

Well, okay, so it was Scott who said that. I told him he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. But in the end…

Craziness! So many people, I really didn’t have any idea where I was anymore. It’s that in terms of style for runway shows, with Chanel, it’s a different level of language. Do you know the Chanel alphabet?

Come on, of course you do:

Chanel! Hysteria! 2.55! Craziness! Luxury! Style! Chanel! Chanel!!! Commercial genius.

Some people, like the amiable Carolie Sieber know how to have fun with the Chanel alphabet.

And Voilà !

Hey, wait, you think you’ve seen it all? Nope! We’re not done yet! Chanel, in the Chanel language, it means quite simply… Reinvent from now until forever!

Chanel! Hysteria! 2.55! Craziness! Luxury! Recession? What are you talking about? Chanel! Chanel! Chanel!

Bonne journée!

Post by Garance

Translation : Tim Sullivan


Wow so magical! Fashion is amazing.
It’s like cinema, theatre, art, music and fantasy all together.
Chanel is timeless. I like the set-up…
its over the top as usual… Karl will always be over the top.
I am amazed

-the portastylistic

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