‘A newsstand and café hybrid’
The Films
Tyler Brûlé, Monocle‘s editor in chief, describes the space as “a celebration of print – putting the written word, fine images and crisp paper centre stage.” “We’ve worked hard to make the selection of titles on the shelves a mix of the much-loved and commercial, combined with just-launched indies that get shelf space not because they’re new and hyped but because they offer journalistic value,” he adds.
And we have more…
“mistaken narrative that people aren’t buying print products!”

The concept
A new project from the founders of Monocle: the perfect newsstand and coffee bar. Just launched in London’s Paddington, Kioskafé is not only a new addition to the neighbourhood surrounding one of Europe's busiest transport hubs but a new retail model for busy travellers, magazine fans and lovers of coffee roasted by talented Kiwis.
Developed as a response to the shrinking news trade, the handsomely designed space is a celebration of print, putting the written word, fine images and crisp paper centre stage. In addition to delivering the best periodicals, Kioskafé also serves the best Allpress coffee and stocks essentials for those out on the road: toothpaste, Swiss undies, a spritz of cologne and good hair wax, among other things.
Get in touch
• Kioskafé
• 31 Norfolk Place
• London
• W2 1QH
+44 (0) 20 3111 4242
Open every day,
Franchise information:
“Smell like kiosk spirit!”
the portastylistic