Kamaka 'Ukulele
‘Heart Strings!’
— Kamaka and Sons' 'ukuleles
the portastylistic
Soup warmed us from the core body, but an indispensable gold menu chilly season (of course, in summer in the summer, but there is something refreshing cold soup that is comfortable for throat). "Soft-boiled egg and green peas soup French soup" of limited quantities from Soup Stock Tokyo to appear (Mon), the secret ingredient of the name came from France all the way and "affection" of "kindness" is entered on April 2 soup was a little special. Furthermore, who is also warm the hearts of those who were affected in the earthquake East, the hearts of the people who mouth the soup into a soup that he ─ ─ such.Text by TANAKA Junko (OPENERS) Text by TANAKA Junko (OPENERS)
Photographs by Smiles Photographs by SmilesOpportunity, the charity project started in the call for Akira Matsushima, via one-star chef
Named "Association of Japanese chefs stood up to" "Association Solidarite Chefs pour le Japon (Zion Associa-Soridarite Pooh Le Chef Japon)", chef active in Japan and France all over the , for a charity project was started by a call for reconstruction assistance via Akira Matsushima. I have witnessed people fill greeted with Jingumae operated by Tokyo March 11, 2011 ─ ─ that day "(Ai Restaurant) Restaurant-I", go home walking down the street in front of the store Meiji Mr. Matsushima was in, make a warm soup immediately with vegetables and material received from suppliers were left, that was handed out to everyone to open the store.
Mr. Matsushima was thinking after going back to France "What you can do something for Japan is not" and is determined to hold a charity dinner in cooperation with our French chef like-minded, over the provinces of France . In April 2011, held at "(Azul de Palais de la Mediterranee) Azur du Palais de la Mediterranee" in Nice, large subsidies that about 18,000 euros more than 150 attendees gathered the first time that Since the success, the circle of charity dinner to raise donations Avignon, Toulouse, and Puy Basque from Ryu VELAY is steadily spreading."French is working and I'm glad pleasing, because I love good food. Is not allergic at all for charity dinner. Money was gathered, arrives in the affected areas in a different form to the soup delicious" and Mr. Matsushima.
Underpinning this project in Japan 's charity Soup Stock Tokyo. Even now, years after the one from the earthquake, the people of the affected areas to send daily uneasy situation does not calm down yet, and'll let you eat a hot meal loving it I think, a part of the donations gathered at the charity dinner delivered to the affected areas have changed to (or curry) soup was developed in collaboration with chef Matsushima. November 2011 to about 6,200 food "curry of minced chicken and vegetables", on Christmas Day was delivered to the disaster area in addition to food 500 vegetable soup warm, but plans to continue to this activity performed in the future that.
Menu "Soup de France" special Japanese food culture to convey a rich French
Through the charity project, the company was also touched on the spirit of the French that attempt to share a time rich as well as the kindness of the French, and commitment deep for food, goods and delicious, to Japan along with the rich food culture that and bringing it, has developed a special menu "Soup de France (soup-de-France)" from September 2011 called. This is to make a soup named after the rich regional cuisine and specialties from around the individuality charity dinner will be held, only available for a limited time in all stores of Soup Stock Tokyo to suit the time of such events. Devote to those that support the reconstruction of affected areas in conjunction with the financial support from Soup Stock Tokyo, and a portion of its sales. Destination to assist and support the total amount will be announced at the company's website as soon as they are determined.
Once this series end in April also all six times, had been developed over six months. Special menus were sold so far, "Oriental soup of coconut" bullet first based on the recipe arrived from Mr. Matsushima in Nice begins (September 2011), Auvergne of lentils and green pork, "2nd soup stew the Wind "(November year-on-year) and third" "(January 2012), 4th" Pisuto~usupu Provençal style cassoulet of white beans and chicken production Tarbes "(February year-on-year) and fifth trip" cattle Basque-style stewed tomatoes for "a total of five types (March year).
This time, decorate the end of the series, the soup came from the famous Bordeaux wine region and as too. In the development, the Auberge "Les Sources de Caudalie (Les Soshisu de Kodari)" by Mr. Takayuki Uemura went to the local graphic designer Atsuko and Koori of the company's products, became the venue of the charity dinner chef, I got called to teach in person delicate cuisine while taking the goodness of the original material from Mr. Nicolas trout, shining effort and ideas.
Was developed by a hint of Mr. trout recipe that "soft-boiled egg and green peas soup French" is French home cooking soup taste like spring to finish the production of pellets Greenpeace France. Greenpeace has been harvested while young, the flavor will explode in the mouth contains a variety of vegetables and plenty of mushrooms, bacon, anchovies, etc., and a variety of flavor, and one mouth. Eating soft-boiled egg to the soup break while accompanied by a faint scent of cumin to recommend it.
This season's remaining chill in the air, drink this soup and the kindness of our French chef stood up to Mr. Matsushima of Japan still chock-full, you want people thinking of evacuation of affected areas continues to live today .
"Soft-boiled egg and green peas soup French" Soup de France sixthSales time | 13 to April 2 (Mon) (Fri.)
Price yen | Regular Cup Large Cup (250cc) = 610 円 (350cc) = 770円
Soup Stock Tokyo ContactTel. 0120-961-573 (toll free)
http://www.soup-stock-tokyo.com/*Porta's favourite!*We left for the Narita airport very happy to fine Soup Stock Tokyo, Umm Yumm!!
from the Portastylistic Adventures in TokyoSurvey last year."My personal favorite
HUGE Magazine and their book label Huzine have updated their TOOLS issue for 2012. The sixth edition of “TOOLS” highlights the daily essentials in our life including outdoor items, furniture, home goods, accessories and even clothing pertaining to the entire outdoors experience. In total, 365 “tools” are featured, making this a pretty in-depth offering. The book releases on March 15th and can be ordered through Huzine. A few shots from the book can be found below.TOOLS 2012 REAL STUFF for FUTURE CLASSICS
出版社: 講談社
発売日: 2012/3/16
メンズファッション雑誌『HUGE』に収まりきらないアイディアを具現化するために誕生したブックレーベル"HUZINE"から、衣食住を想像するさまざまな道具を収録した、究極のライフスタイルカタログの第2弾『TOOLS 2012』が3月15日(木)に発売されます。
こ の『TOOLS 2012』の刊行を記念して、誌面に登場したショップやクリエーターが一堂に会する期間限定ショップが、3月17日(土)から25日(日)の期間中、話題 のスポット「代官山T-SITEガーデンギャラリー」にオープン。「TOOLS 暮らしの道具展」と題して開催されるこのショッピングイベントでは、アイテムの販売に加えて、インテリアスタイリストの作原文子による空間のスタリングな どが行われます。
出展者は以下の通りの個性溢れるラインナップ。作り手との対話や、モノ作りの背景が感じられるイベントになること間違いなし。まずは『TOOLS 2012』を買って十分に予習をしてから、会場へ出かけましょう。
— Grand Open!
TOOLS 暮らしの道具展
http://tsite.jp/daikanyama/『TOOLS 2012』発売記念、期間限定ショップを「代官山 T-SITE ガーデンギャラリー」にオープン!
流行や消費に流されない暮らしの価値観を提案する『Tools 2012』(講談社)の刊行を記念し、誌面に登場したショップやクリエイターが一堂に会する期間限定ショップを、「代官山T-SITE ガーデンギャラリー」にオープンします。アイテムの販売に加え、インテリアスタイリスト作原文子がその世界観をスタイリングで表現。モノ作りの背景を知 り、作り手と思いを共有できる9日間です。また、会期中に、ショップのアウトサイドスペースを利用して、古道具市やワークショップも開催。ぜひ、会場に足 をお運びください。
場所:代官山T-SITE GARDEN GALLERY アウトサイドスペース
出展予定者:Tech_、FU CHI SO[両日]、titcoRet 、Domino Antik、椎名[17日]、storage、田螺堂[18日]ほか“西荻骨董好きまつり”の実行委員も務める「Tech_」プロデュースによる古道具市。骨董の世界に新しい視座をもたらす注目店が日替わりで登場。道具が生まれたプロセスと背景も併せて店主たちが対面販売いたします。
02. ル・ベスベ×作原文子のフラワーショップ
場所:代官山T-SITE GARDEN GALLERY アウトサイドスペース
出展予定者:Le Vésuve[花]フラワーコーディネーターとして、雑誌などでも活躍中の「ル・ベスベ」の高橋郁代さんとインテリアスタイリスト作原文子さんがコラボレーション。親交の深い二人による1日限りのスペシャルなフラワーショップです。
場所:代官山T-SITE GARDEN GALLERY アウトサイドスペース
参加予定クリエイター:CIRCULATION SHUTOKO、JetMinMin、GELCHOP約50年前から、日本の首都圏の大動脈を担ってきた首都高速。「サーキュレーション首都高」は、スクラップ&ビルドだけではない循環型社会への提 案として、廃棄される運命にある素材を循環使用するプロジェクト。横断幕を再利用したキーホルダー作りこどもから大人まで、一緒に楽しく道具について考え るワークショップです。
Exhibitor List
[ステューシー リビン ジェネラルストア]
Swimsuits Department[スイムスーツデパートメント]
ARTS & CRAFTS[アーツ&クラフト]
BIBLIOPHILIC [ビブリオフィリック]
Bonzaipaint [バンザイペイント]
Crate Furniture Service
EXIT factory Clothes
[エクジット ファクトリー クローズ]
FER TRAVIL[フェール トラヴァイユ]
GALERIE VIE[ギャルリー・ヴィー]
H.P. DECO[エイチピー デコ]
Mountain morning[マウンテンモーニング]
Poul Pava[ポール・パヴァ]
The Tastemakers & Co.
[ザ テイストメイカーズ&コー]
ZAKKA WORKS[ザッカワークス]出展者は、予告なく変更することがございます。
I’d mentioned that I’d made more than one mistake in approaching the music of Staples and company, and that mistake is probably worth mentioning. I’d actually managed to grab the self-titled 1993 debut album by the group when I was a 17-year-old youth in a small town, buoyed on by the propulsive organ driven single “Marbles”, which I had heard on a radio station mix compilation that I’d picked up. So I found Tindersticks (or Tindersticks I as it is sometimes known, as its follow-up was similarly untitled) on an excursion to a big city record shop and paid the hefty import price for it. However, when I got it back to my house and my CD player, I was immediately disappointed. The rest of the album was lush, ballad-y material with Spanish touches to it, and I couldn’t wrap my head around it. I was more into the hard abrasive sounds of bands like Hüsker Dü, and I absolutely hated what I had heard on Tindersticks: it was just too rarefied and maudlin for my tastes. So I got rid of it sometime later when I went to a used CD store on another city excursion. Another Big Mistake, I now realize. At my current age of 36, I suppose I now have the maturity and wisdom, along with an expanded musical palette in my arsenal, to really appreciate what a band such as this is trying to do.
I bring this up, though, because it seems that I’m not the only one who has matured. Re-encountering Tindersticks some 20 years later, the band, too, has grown and changed its musical styling somewhat. Sure, they’re still low key and quiet, and, yes, Staples still sings with a controlled croon that sounds somewhat like a sneer, but The Something Rain shows a band dabbling in other forms of musical expression than I’d encountered all those years ago. This album has a jazzy, lounge-y, night-time vibe – the perfect thing to sip a glass of wine to long after the sun goes down. And while “Chocolate” may be something of a standout, there are plenty of other pleasures to be derived from The Something Rain. “Show Me Everything” is a soulful number with a fuzzy guitar line that creeps up every now and then to give heft to the track, much in the same way that the background female vocalists provide the same function. Then there’s “Medicine”, which is the lead-off single, a soft and organic ballad underscored with gently played vibes and the emergence of a plaintive cello, a real chill-out song if there was one. And, well, there are other songs—nine in total, to be exact—and it is a testament to the album’s quality that the band is unafraid to let the songs unspool gradually at an exacting pace: six of the tracks surpass the five-minute mark, and their epic quality doesn’t diminish the overall feeling of luxury that is conjured up.
Tindersticks © Christophe Agou
The Something Rain is an intriguing listen because it can function on two levels: it’s the type of record that demands rapt attention and the listener has to really sit up and listen to it to get the full intended effect, thanks to the fine craftsmanship in both lyricism and musicality that’s on display. However, aside from “Chocolate”, the album also works as a pleasant background soundtrack to “the perfect Friday afternoon”, the sort of thing that you can relax and unwind to. That dual utility makes The Something Rain a rich and compelling listen, sort of like, well, eating a fine concoction of incredibly smooth chocolate. One thing is for certain: Tindersticks have changed, and so have I. It seems apparent to me now, based on the evidence of The Something Rain and my added enthusiasm for quieter, chamber-pop music, that I have a certain debut album that I must somehow reacquaint myself with and re-evaluate—if not an eight-album deep back-catalogue. In other words, I really need to rectify one of my Big Mistakes in approaching the orchestration of the Tindersticks’ music because The Something Rain is really something: a well crafted and executed evocation of verdant indie pop that sticks with you long after it has sounded its final note.
Zachary HoulePorta's Rating
8 of 10
Tindersticks are an alternative band from Nottingham, England. Their sound is characterized by a synthesis of orchestral backing, lounge jazz, and soul; the lush orchestrations of multi-instrumentalist Dickon Hinchliffe and the smoky baritone of lead vocalist Stuart A. Staples are the band’s hallmarks. Tindersticks have employed electric guitars, as most rock bands have done, but augment their instrumentation with a wide array of instruments: Rhodes piano, glockenspiel, vibraphone, violin, trumpet, trombone, clarinet, bassoon, Hammond organ, and many more are prominently utilized in the music of Tindersticks.
The band has a cult following in the United Kingdom and continental Europe, although the eclectic and unique sound Tindersticks possesses never made significant inroads in the mainstream.
* Stuart Ashton Staples, born 14 November 1965 - Lead voice, guitar, melodica
* Dickon James Hinchliffe, born 9 July 1967 - violin, guitar, voice, piano, string and brass arrangements
* Neil Timothy Fraser, - born 22 November 1962 - lead guitar, vibraphone
* David Leonard Boulter, born 27 February 1965 - keyboards, percussion
* Alasdair Robert De Villeneuve Macaulay, born 2 August 1965 - drums, percussion, trumpet
* Mark Andrew Colwill, born 12 May 1960 - bass guitar
The band formed in late 1991, Staples, Boulter, Frazer, Macauley and Hinchcliffe having previously been members of Asphalt Ribbons. The final band line-up for the “old horse” mini-LP (1991) was: Stuart Staples (vocals) Dave Boulter (organ & accordion) Neil Fraser (guitar) Dickon Hinchliffe (Guitar & strings) Al Macauley (percussion & drums) John Thompson (bass).