Saturday, November 26, 2011
Portastudio Playlist: A COSY SOUNDTRACK FOR WEEKEND+Live Session 89
Friday, November 25, 2011
New Modern Classic...mimoe "shadows" to Tokyo!
Gallery Porter Classic
— 'Shadow' show next!
Gallery Porter Classic
切り絵はmimoe。写真は YANOJIN 。
Gallery Porter Classicでの展示は今回で3度目になります。
ちなみに、Gallery Porter Classicの壁は私自身の作品でもあります。
Cutting exhibition mimoe "Shadow"
2011.12.1thu ~ 12.29thu11: 00 ~ 20:00
Gallery Porter Classic
cut out a picture,
I dropped to the ground from a standing astonished Yomaenokagewo match.
Cutting is mimoe.
Photo Yanojin .
Cutting shade photo exhibition was held in Fukuoka in October, coming to Tokyo!
Exhibition at Gallery Porter Classic is now the third time.
Incidentally, the walls of Gallery Porter Classic is also my own work.
I expressed the old blue and white fabric.
I am looking forward compatibility with the frame you made to Mr. Ito minorityrev the wall.
Thank you!From the station
Directions to Ginza Porter Classic, please click here.
↓ ↓
How to get from JR Shimbashi Station
How to get from JR Yurakucho Station
How to get from Tokyo Station
1-7 of 1 Arcade Arcade Uchisaiwaicho in Chiyoda-ku Tokyo International
Tel 03-5512-0150 Tel 03-5512-0150
11:00 to 20:00 seven days a week Hours
*mimoe* November— Military Pop show!
As well as war,
Come!Porter Classic Gallery pleasing us with various exhibits and varied and unique experiences (Gallery Porter Classic) at Exhibition "Military Pop" has been held.
In this exhibition of the legendary rock festival held in the year 1969, "WOOD STOCK" to revive the modern concept of "Porter Classic" series of exhibition and sale of camouflage. Military items put in the gem "Love and Peace" The message of Would not it everyone is impressed.
The period is held next week, November 30 (Wed) to. This weekend would recommend that you try to stretch your legs come Ginza.
Exhibition - Gallery Porter Classic Military Pop
Holding period: 30 to 11 (Wed)
the portastylistic
Sunday, November 13, 2011
たのお仲間へ、遊佐刺し子に魅入られ、庄内刺し子に夢中になって いる平田の女性たちの姿をご紹介ください。あと暫くしたら、もう 一つ、一世代前の遊佐刺し子の仲間たちを記録したvideoをア ップロードする心算です。お楽しみにお待ちください”
*Porta's hands with love!*
Thursday, November 10, 2011
pop*eye...New Look—New Look (2011)
— from Canada —
New Look
New Look (2011)
have fashioned one of
the albums of the year!*

New Look's self-titled debut – issued on !K7, home to the mighty Chromeo and the DJ Kicks series – is almost a companion piece to Rapprocher by Brooklyn's Elizabeth Harper, being an album of electronic pop sung by a female, in this case Sarah Ruba, a part-time model who, with her producer/multi-instrumentalist husband Adam Pavao, has spent the last three years recording New Look in Brooklyn, as well as Berlin and their home town of Hamilton. Apparently, they have experience in ambient jam bands (Pavao) and as jazz belters (Ruba), but mercifully they've put all that behind them and are focusing on shiny dubstep pop, or post-dubstep pop seeing as how it takes some of the rhythmical devices and production methods of dubstep and allies them to pure pop melodies. Yes, it would be nice just once for the producer/sidekick to be the woman and the frontperson/eye-candy to be the man, but these darlings of blogs and the style press, who recently supported the xx on tour, are such masters and mistresses of icy emotionality, we forgive them.
They're also pretty good self-editors, hence all the lovely dub space in their songs. "We try not to keep anything superfluous in," they explain. "We're always conscious of the negative space in our music and that's a constant theme." They've cornered the market in less-is-more. Nap on the Bow is the perfect blend of crispness and melodic concision. Has there been a single instance of this stuff getting any daytime radio play, though, let alone charting? Possibly not. And yet this feels like a hit, just as New Look's London counterparts, AlunaGeorge, are fantasy top 10 heroes of ours. Relax Your Mind is a brilliantly raw, sparse sort of feminised grime. On Numbers the words are haiku-like in their simplicity but convey just the right amount of fear and yearning: "The telephone is not a toy/ It has power to destroy." Have you ever noticed that? We have, often. A Light has an itchy, quirky arrangement that is more Björk than Benga. The Ballad has the austere atmosphere of Fade to Grey/Being Boiled. So Real is like Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam doing late-90s/early-00s UKG. Does that make it R&G? While you're pondering that, Everything is like a showdown between dub creator Scientist and St Etienne. Ruba visits every song like a hologram of passion, and the music is a mirage of immaculacy. And now we're going to vanish, before we say too much.
*Porta's favourite!*
Hometown: Hamilton, Canada.The lineup: Sarah Ruba (vocals, synths) and Adam Pavao (keyboards, production).
The background: You might imagine that New Look are offering a pithy comment on consumerist culture by assuming the name of a popular retail outlet (who said "chav mecca"?), but it's unlikely, because it only has branches in the UK (and France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Singapore and the United Arab Emirates), and this duo are from Canada. Besides, they've got bigger priorities than poking fun at the peculiarities of British fashion, such as recording one of the albums of the year. We are fond of listing our new acts of the year (Odd Future, Jensen Sportag, StewRat, AlunaGeorge, Keep Shelly in Athens) and our tracks of the year, but we haven't given much thought to our albums of the year, mainly because there haven't been that many. But now we have a fine addition to the 2011 canon that includes such latter-day quiet-storm classics as Frank Ocean's Nostalgia, Ultra, the Weeknd's House of Balloons and Class Actress' Rapprocher.
"My personal favorite
New Look!”
the portastylistic
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Portastudio Playlist: A COSY SOUNDTRACK FOR WEEKEND+Live Session 88